Antologia di S
Ideation: Riccardo Fazi, Claudia Sorace
Realization: Riccardo Fazi – Muta Imago
Production: Muta Imago, Santarcangelo Festival Internazionale del Teatro in Piazza, TreSoldi Radio3
Edited by: Daria Corrias
Editorial staff: Fabiana Carobolante, Daria Corrias, Lorenzo Pavolini, Elisabetta Parisi
Supervision: Jonathan Zenti
With the supporto of: Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo – direzione generale spettacolo.
A special thanks goes to all the inhabitants of Santarcangelo who gave a piece of their stories in order to find S.
In 1993 Riccardo Fazi spent a week on holiday in Rimini with his parents. Here he met a fourteen-years old girl, the same age of him, who said him goodbye leaving a cassette with a message recorded on it: “Bye Rome! See you in Santarcangelo!”.
After twenty-two years Riccardo found this object again and the memory it arose triggered a research: Fazi arrives in Santarcangelo and asks the inhabitants to help him find the name linked to that voice coming from the past. “Antologia di S.” is the chronicle of this research.
In 2015 the work has been presented ad the International Festival of Santarcangelo, produced under the Create to Connect network, in the shape of a sound installation: inside the apartment where the artist resided during the research an archive of hundreds of audiocassette was set up, containing about 500 minutes of recordings that the artist collected during his research. It was the sound inventary of a town and its inhabitants, while they get in contact with the research of a woman and the questions that this research raises: childhood, connection with the local dimension, future, choices, the way time, space and dreams move and relocate during the whole life.
In January 2016 the radio show Tre Soldi by Rai Radio Tre broadcast an edited version of the materials: five episodes, fifteen minutes each. The radio version of the work gains an incredible national success and the work gets selected by Rai to participate at the Prix Europa 2016 in Berlin, the most important international prize for radio and tv productions. For the participation at the prize the material has been edited again, until the creation of a 45 minute version of the story.
This is the version that the company is currently showing in theatres and national festivals.