concept and realization: Riccardo Fazi, Claudia Sorace
technical assistance: Maria Elena Fusacchia, Alfredo Ritondale, Massimo Troncanetti
organization: Manuela Macaluso, Martina Merico, Maura Teofili
stage dresses: Fiamma Benvignati
technical assistance: Maria Elena Fusacchia, Alfredo Ritondale, Massimo Troncanetti
organization: Manuela Macaluso, Martina Merico, Maura Teofili
stage dresses: Fiamma Benvignati
performance Oya Bacac, Chiara Caimmi, Riccardo Fazi, Vito Gennaro Giacalone, Valia La Rocca, Ilaria Mancia, Cristina Rocchetti, Valerio Sirna
production Muta Imago 2011
production Muta Imago 2011
It often happens in dreams.
I walk, but there’s something that obstructs the way, that restrains the muscles. And since in dreams are always true both one thing and its opposite, I walk, but at the same time I can’t walk. I proceed, but I never arrive.
In daylight everything seems more linear. I set my goals, I propose aims to myself: the path looks clear. So in the morning I wake up, I wash myself, I dress up and I begin my day. I move, I walk, I make all the necessary activities. I hang around, here and there. Sometimes the movement is more delirious, sometimes less, but it’s always continuous. I slip into astonishment without noticing, I roam into a place where the walking has no outcome and the shifting has no destination.
Just as that dream told: the road proceeds without an arrival and I keep on with my step.
Another step into the investigation about the various relationships between man and space. In particular now we concentrate on the continuous movement we’re forced into. What kind of quality has our constant shifting in space? Which sensations does it evoke?
The feeling of a multiplicated, numerous movement: its sparkling, its harmonious delicacy. An indefinite quantity of figures crosses a definite space, a cut of space, a frame. Their movement is uninterrupted, uninterrupted are their directions and vision. This is the projection. Behind it a one-way circular movement, without directions of sort. A fake movement that produces the impression of a real one.
We think we’re moving, but we stay still.